Get to Know
Mizzou's brand & identity
The University of Missouri is home to a community of innovators, doers and leaders. We work together to communicate in one voice, crafting our messages and marketing within the Mizzou brand and identity to ensure everything we do has impact. To do this, we’ve built resources and guidelines to help our community communicate as one, as Mizzou. M-I-Z.

Business Cards
Find guidelines for Mizzou’s stationary policy, including business cards.

Promotional Items
Are you ordering apparel, merchandise or promotional items? These guidelines are for you.

Guidelines for on-campus photography and photo releases. Find photography for your marketing projects.

Social Media
Learn more about Mizzou’s guidelines for social media accounts.

Brand Colors
Find the color builds for MU gold, black, and secondary colors to make sure your designs meet identity guidelines.

Logos & Marks
Learn more about Mizzou’s signatures, approved color variations, minimum size, and clear space requirements.

Brand Graphics
Learn more about the visual graphics that support the Mizzou brand messaging.

Recent Updates
Quickly find all recent updates and new guidelines pertaining to the Mizzou identity and brand.

Getting Started Toolkits