Primary Logos


Primary Logos

Mizzou Signatures

The Mizzou signature is the primary logo for marketing and promotional materials. When appropriate, a unit signature may be used in place of the Mizzou signature.

Unit Signatures

All schools, colleges, offices, centers, institutes, programs, labs and other units of the university with an academic, research or healthcare focus must use a signature, either the Mizzou signature or a unit signature. No other marks or alternate versions may be created and used as a logo to represent a university entity.

Licensing and Brand Management creates and manages unit signatures for campus. Unit signatures may not contain acronyms or abbreviations. Language such as ‘Department of’, ‘Office of’ and ‘Program’ will not be included in a unit signature but may be used in copy to reference the unit.

Using Signatures

These guidelines define how signatures may be used in print and digital materials as well as on apparel, merchandise and promotional items. If you have any questions, please reach out to

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Apparel, Merchandise and Promotional Items | Clear Space | Color Variations | Co-Branding | File Formats and Naming | Minimum Size | Multi-Unit Signatures | Incorrect Signature Use

Apparel, Merchandise and Promotional Items

A Mizzou signature or unit signature is required on all items. Before ordering apparel, merchandise and promotional items, review the ordering and design guidelines.

Clear Space

Clear space is the area around a signature that must remain clear of design elements, text, illustrations, page trims and fold lines. This area is equal to 1/3 the width of the Stacked MU and is required around all signatures.

Color Variations

Full-Color Signature

Use the full-color signature on all print and digital marketing materials. The full color signature is also preferred when ordering apparel, merchandise and promotional items.

One-Color Signature

The one-color signatures may only be used when the entire material will be printed in a single color. All digital materials should use the full-color signature.

  • Light Backgrounds
    • Use the 1C Black signature
  • Dark Backgrounds
    • Use the 1C White signature
  • Clear Backgrounds (Glass)
    • Use the 1C White signature

Best Practices

When using a signature, the “MU” should always be lighter than the shield in the Stacked MU mark.

Full-Color, Black

Full-Color, White

One-Color (1C), Black

One-Color (1C), White


Mizzou thrives on collaborative partnerships. Successful co-branding of these partnerships should always uphold our identity and brand and recognize external partners appropriately. Review the co-branding guidelines before beginning your project.

File Formats and Naming

Signature files are available for use on print, digital, apparel, merchandise and promotional materials. They are created by Licensing and Brand Management and stored in SharePoint. Familiarize yourself with the naming structure and file types to choose the best file for your project. If you need new or updated unit signatures, email

Unit Signature Set

A full signature set includes the following file types:

File TypeDescriptionUsage
AIVector file, scalablePrint (PC and MAC)
EPSVector file, scalable, no preview in SharePointProducts
Send the EPS file to licensed vendors for apparel and product orders.
PNGRaster fileScreen, Digital

Print Folder

The print folder contains AI and EPS files that are ready for printed materials, apparel, merchandise and promotional items. The full-color signature should be used on all print materials. The one-color signature may only be used when the entire material will be a single-color. For example, if you order apparel with a single color imprint, you will use a one-color signature.


Screen Folder

The screen folder contains PNG and SVG files that are ready for websites and digital materials.


Minimum Size

As our signatures get smaller, legibility decreases. To ensure the integrity of the marks, signatures must stay above the minimum size on all print and digital materials, apparel, merchandise and promotional items.


The minimum size of the horizontal Mizzou signature is:

  • 1 inch for printed materials
  • 130 pixels for web and digital materials


The minimum size of the vertical Mizzou signature is:

  • 0.75 inches for print materials 
  • 100 pixels for web and digital materials

Unit Signatures

To calculate the minimum size, measure the width of the Stacked MU. It should be:

  • 0.1875 inches for print materials
  • 24 pixels for web and digital materials

Multi-Unit Signature

Only one signature may be used on print and digital materials, including apparel, merchandise and promotional items.

To recognize more than one unit, a multi-unit signature is used. Like signatures, multi-unit signatures are created upon request by Licensing and Brand Management.

For any multi-unit signature:

  • Units are listed alphabetically, unless an order is specified.
  • Student organizations are not included.

To request a multi-unit signature, please email

Vertical Multi-Unit Signature Example