Guidelines for

Name Badges and Tags

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Faculty, Staff and Student Employees | Events and Temporary Badges | Student Organizations

Faculty, Staff and Student Employees

Name badges are used to identify yourself and your affiliation with Mizzou. Review these content guidelines before placing your order through the Printing Services Storefront hosted by Modern Litho or a licensed vendor.

Content Guidelines

Line 1 First and last name,
First and last name is required.
*If space permits, one credential may be included.
Line 2CredentialsSeparate credentials by commas.
If space permits, include periods.
Lines 3 and 4IdentifiersInclude title, department name, unit name or program name.

Do not include “Department of,” “Division of” or “Office of.”
Abbreviate when possible: “Asst.,” “Assoc.,” “Coord.”

Example Name Badges

Events and Temporary Badges

When you need an unofficial name badge for temporary event staff or student volunteers, use a vertical name badge.

These may be made in-office using Avery Name Badge Inserts 5390 or 5392 and the premade templates (directions below).

Content Guidelines

Lines 1 and 2First and last name
First and last name. May take up two lines.
Lines 3 and 4IdentifiersInclude title, department name, unit name or program name.

Using Avery Templates

The temporary name badges are available as templates for Avery Name Badge Inserts 5390 or 5392.

Step 1: Download templates to your computer.

Step 2: Go to and create a free account.

Step 3: Upload the individual Avery template files.

Step 4: Insert information and print.

Step 5: Assemble badges and distribute.

Registered Student Organizations

Registered student organization name badges should be used in a professional setting to identify yourself and the student organization you are affiliated with. Because of the small size of badges, these content guidelines help ensure your badge meets production requirements.

Content Guidelines

Line 1 First and last nameFirst and/or last name.
Line 2 and 3Student org nameOrg name must appear as registered in MU Engage.
Do not use acronyms of your org name.
Line 4Required university tagUniversity tagline should be included in text: “at the University of Missouri” or “at Mizzou.”
Example Name Badges