About these Guidelines
Research Reactor Identity
The Research Reactor identity and brand should be used on everything that has an academic, research and general public focus, including marketing and recruitment materials, events, environmental branding (buildings), and apparel, merchandise and promotional items.
These are some examples of when the Research Reactor identity should be used:
- Recruitment of staff/employees, researchers, undergraduate, graduate and post-doc students
- Publication and promotion of research
- Marketing towards students and the general public
- Branding of physical spaces
- Apparel, merchandise or promotional items for staff/employees
- Apparel, merchandise or promotional items to give away to prospective staff/employees, researchers, undergraduate, graduate and post-doc students
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MURR Identity
The MURR identity and brand should be used on all marketing and sales collateral that have a B2B or retail product focus. This includes product packaging, ordering systems, invoices, and apparel, merchandise and promotional items.
These are some examples of when the MURR identity should be used:
- Marketing of nuclear products and services to businesses
- Ordering system for custom and off-the shelf products
- Giveaways at B2B tradeshows
- Apparel worn in a sales capacity
- Industry partnerships
We are here to help! Email us at identity@missouri.edu.
Research Reactor Guidelines
The Research Reactor unit signature is the official logo and should be used on all marketing, event and recruitment materials, environmental branding and apparel, merchandise and promotional items that have an academic, research, or general public focus. The signature (logo) takes priority over any additional information and graphics and follows all unit signature guidelines.
Color Variations
Only the color combinations shown below may be used. Use the full color signature unless constrained by budget or production limitations.
Marketing Examples
When creating marketing materials make sure to use brand colors, the Research Reactor unit signature, the brand font Gotham and murr.missouri.edu as the URL. If you have questions, contact identity@missouri.edu.
Email Signatures
An email signature is a digital business card and like your physical business card, represents your official association with the University of Missouri. Email signatures should comply with the University’s identity standards and email guidelines.
Use the email signature generator to ensure your signature meets identity standards and content requirements. Email signatures may only include information contained in the fields of the email generator, and any confidentiality notice as needed.
Building Your Email Signature
- Logo/Signature
- Select the “Research Reactor” from the Signature Image drop down menu.
- Phone Numbers
- Format as 555-555-5555.
- Email
- Only official university email addresses should be used.
yourname@missouri.edu, yourname@health.missouri.edu
- Only official university email addresses should be used.
- Websites
- Only official university websites may be used. External URLs are not allowed. Websites URLs may not include “http://”. They should not include “www” unless excluding it results in a “Page not found” error.
Example: murr.missouri.edu
- Only official university websites may be used. External URLs are not allowed. Websites URLs may not include “http://”. They should not include “www” unless excluding it results in a “Page not found” error.
Ordering Product
When ordering apparel, merchandise or promotional items, please contact Sharon Paulsell.
Polo Examples
Research Reactor signature may be used on the front chest, sleeve or back yoke.
T-Shirts Examples
Research Reactor signature may be used on the front chest, sleeve or back yoke. Additional text or graphic may be in a separate imprint area.
Product Examples
Research Reactor signature must be included on the item. When there is a 2-imprint item or a large imprint area, both the signature and a graphic may be used.
Small Imprint Items
Small imprint items such as pens, pencils, sunglasses and thumb drives will not always be able to use the full unit signature.
Your licensed vendor will receive an alternate mark from identity@missouri.edu when required.
MURR Guidelines
The MURR mark may only be used for materials with a B2B or retail product focus. This includes marketing and sales collateral including product packaging, ordering systems, invoices, and apparel, merchandise and promotional items.
If you have questions on whether or not the MURR mark may be used, contact identity@missouri.edu.
Color Variations
Only the color combinations shown below may be used. Please note that the white MURR mark on gold backgrounds and gold MURR mark on white backgrounds is not accessible and may not be used.
Clear Space
This is the area around the mark that must remain clear of design elements, text, illustrations, page trims and fold lines. The space is equal to the height of the ‘U’ in MURR around the entire mark.
Minimum Size
As the MURR mark gets smaller, the legibility decreases and there is an increase in printing and production errors. To ensure it is always readable, stay above the minimum size on marketing materials, websites, social media and on apparel, merchandise and promotional materials.
For best results, stay above 1” or 108px. The smallest the mark may be printed is .75” or 54px.
Mark Don’ts
Do not alter the mark in any way. This includes rotating, changing the font, using an unapproved color, adding taglines, removing the registration mark, or adding effects such as drop shadows.
Marketing & Sales Examples
When creating marketing and sales materials for B2B and retail clients make sure to use brand colors, the MURR graphic mark, the brand font Gotham and murr.missouri.edu as the URL. If you have questions, contact identity@missouri.edu.
Ordering Product
When ordering apparel, merchandise or promotional items, please contact Sharon Paulsell.
Polo Examples
Polos may include the MURR mark in approved color variations. The white MURR mark may not be placed on gold items and the gold MURR mark may not be placed on white items.
T-Shirt Examples
T-shirts may include the MURR mark in approved color variations. The white MURR mark may not be placed on gold items and the gold MURR mark may not be placed on white items.
Product Examples
Products may include the MURR mark in approved color variations. The white MURR mark may not be placed on gold items and the gold MURR mark may not be placed on white items.
Small Imprints