
Mizzou Brand Reposition

The University of Missouri has partnered with Carnegie, a respected higher education marketing research firm, to conduct a campuswide project to clarify and define “who we are” as an institution, as well as provide opportunities for growth in enrollment and reputation and awareness of the university. This project is the anchor to Mizzou’s brand, setting the footing for a uniform positioning strategy that should align and inform comprehensive marketing tactics from the top down.

Brand Personality Reveal

Carnegie’s consensus-building method is built around the input of the people who know Mizzou the best—you. In November, many alumni, community members, faculty, staff and students attended one of the 10 in-person workshops held on campus. Others of you participated in the online survey that reached many of our alumni, community members and campus stakeholders. This feedback, along with external perception research and competitive analyses have culminated to reveal Mizzou’s authentic brand personality.

The Brand Personality Reveal took place on March 15 on Mizzou’s campus. The below assets and recordings are available for reference and those unable to attend.

Reveal Assets & Recording

*To view these assets, use your University login to access SharePoint. To view the recording, click the link below and select ‘Open.’

Reveal Recording | Presentation Deck PDF | Personality Handout PDF | Understanding Archetypes PDF

Message Training Session

Carnegie has transformed data-focused insights into messaging and storyline outcomes specific to the University of Missouri. The result is a powerful, long-term communication tool for the whole institution. This session was designed to focus on staff that have communication and marketing responsibilities.

This message training session was recorded for reference and those unable to attend.

Message Training Assets & Recording

*To view these assets, use your University login to access SharePoint. To view the recording, click the link below and select ‘Open.’

Message Training Recording | Training Deck PDF | Message Training Booklet PDF

Archetype Message Training

Familiarize yourself with Mizzou’s archetypes and practice applying them to photography and marketing copy.


*To view these assets, use your University login to access SharePoint.

Project Updates

Our work with Carnegie is not over. Over the coming months, refer to identity.missouri.edu for updates and email identity@missouri.edu with any questions.