MU Athletics

Email Signature Generator

An email signature is a digital business card and represents your official association with MU Athletics. Email signatures should comply with all identity standards and guidelines. For best results, use the web browser Google Chrome with this generator.

Content Guidelines

Only the fields provided may be used to create your signature. At a minimum, include your name, title and a phone number.

Phone Numbers
Format as 555-555-5555

Only official university email addresses should be used.

Copy/Paste Instructions for Microsoft Outlook

  1. Click in the upper right area of the Preview field. The content will become highlighted.
  2. Copy to your clipboard by using your mouse to right-click and select copy or use keyboard shortcuts Command+C (Mac), Ctrl+C (PC).
  3. Open a new email in Microsoft Outlook and go to Signature > Edit Signatures…
  4. Add or edit a current signature
  5. Paste the copied signature by right-clicking with the mouse and selecting paste or use keyboard shortcuts Command+V (Mac), Ctrl+V (PC).
  6. Save and close.

Social Media
The social icons are linked to the main MU Athletics accounts. If you would like to change them to official sport-specific accounts, you can do so in Microsoft Outlook after following the Copy/Paste instructions.

  1. Open a new email and go to Signature > Manage Signatures.
  2. Choose your MU Athletics signature and select Edit.
  3. Highlight one social icon and select the hyperlink button. The button looks like a single chain link.
  4. Update the address to an official, sport-specific account and hit OK.
  5. Repeat for all icons.
  6. Save and close.
Include Social Media Links?



Notice: Due to compatibility issues, this tool has only proven reliable when using Chrome or FireFox and signatures are copied into Outlook's signature editor.