Student Business Cards
Students interested in business cards should refer to these guidelines based on their association with the university. Like faculty and staff business cards, these must be ordered through the Printing Services Storefront hosted by Modern Litho.
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Student Employees | Undergraduate Students | Graduate Students | Student Organizations
Students Employees
Students employed by a campus unit in an official capacity may order official business cards.
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students who would like a professional card to use for recruitment, internship fairs or networking may use this setup.

Content Guidelines
Minimum content requirement is indicated with an asterisk and includes name, major, expected graduation year and email. Non-Mizzou emails are not allowed. Additional logos, including social media icons, are not allowed.
Content | Description | Example |
Name* | Include first and last name. | Truman Tiger |
Major* | Your major should appear as it does on your school/college’s website. | |
Minor | Your minor should appear as it does on your school/college’s website. | |
Expected Graduation Year* | Include the year you are expected to graduate with your degree. | Class of 20XX (ex: Class of 2025) |
Phone | You may include phone, cell or fax numbers using figures and hyphens. | 555-555-5555 |
Email* | Only official Mizzou email addresses may be used. |, |
Website | A professional website or portfolio URL may be included. Limit one (1) website URL. URLs may not include “http://”. Only include “www.” if excluding it results in a “Page not found” error. |, |
Social Media | LinkedIn is the only social media allowed on student business cards. | LinkedIn /in/yourname123 |
Graduate Students
Graduate students may use the graduate business card setup.

Content Guidelines
Minimum content requirement is indicated with an asterisk and includes name, degree type, expected graduation year, school/college and email. Non-Mizzou emails are not allowed. Additional logos, including social media icons, are not allowed.
Content | Description | Example |
Name* | Include first and last name. | Truman Tiger |
Degree Type* | Include your degree candidacy using the appropriate abbreviation. Degree abbreviations should comply with the MU Style Guide. | MS, MFA, JD, PhD, DVM, M Ed |
Expected Graduation Year* | Include the year you are expected to graduate with your degree. | Class of 20XX (ex: Class of 2025) |
Degree Name | Include your degree program name and/or specialty field. | Chemical Engineering |
School/College* | List the full name of your school/college. | College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources |
Address | Personal or School/College address | 123 Tiger Dr., Columbia, MO 65211 |
Phone | You may include phone, cell or fax numbers using figures and hyphens. | 555-555-5555 |
Email* | Only official Mizzou email addresses may be used. |, |
Website | Only official university websites may be used. URLs may not include “http://”. Only include “www.” if excluding it results in a “Page not found” error. | |
Student Organizations
Student organizations are not permitted to use Mizzou stationery. A unique brand should be developed by the student organization that does not incorporate the Mizzou’s protected marks and verbiage. Student organizations may use Mizzou’s primary colors (black and gold.)
For help building your student organization’s brand and/or business cards, contact the Organization Resource Group.