Branding Social Media Accounts

A Mizzou branded account includes all accounts administered by University employees using the University of Missouri name, logos, and/or nicknames, or accounts that represent a University of Missouri college, school, division, department or program. Mizzou branded accounts represent the University. Individuals who run the accounts may not express personal opinions or use University branding without authorization or accountability. New and current social media accounts should review these guidelines to ensure the images, avatars and account information meets brand standards.

New Social Media Accounts

Creating an account for a school, college or campus unit is a long-term commitment. Make sure to reach out to the Digital Publications team to ask questions and brainstorm your strategic goals:

Mizzou’s central social media accounts can share your message with a large audience of people who are interested in Mizzou. If you want to announce major news and events to a large audience without committing to a new social media presence, please contact the Digital Publications team.

If you’re ready to develop and maintain your own social media presence, consider these questions:

  • If this is an official Mizzou-branded account, make sure a Mizzou employee is the account administrator (a requirement in Mizzou’s social media guidelines)
  • What will you post?
  • How often will you post?
  • Who will maintain and update the site?
  • Who will answer questions posed by followers?

Think about your audience, your voice in your posts and make sure you comment in a way that helps advance your reputation.

Branding Mizzou’s Social Media Accounts

Account Names
Account names should include “Mizzou” when technically feasible. Include “University of Missouri” in the longer description if possible.


When possible, use consistent naming across social media accounts.

Avatars & Profile Pictures
Avatars should use the approved variation of the stacked MU logo and unit name. Approved avatars will be provided upon request by for your use.

Campus department examples:

Examples of social media avatars with a stacked MU graphic and department name text underneath

Directions for adding your avatar/profile picture to:

Banners & Imagery
Mizzou brand and identity standards apply to all images used on social media.

    • Make sure you have permission to use the photo. If students are pictured, please have photo releases signed by them prior to using the photo.
    • Do not put university or unit signatures in the banner.
    • Do not use trademarked logos without permission.
    • Find campus photography at:

Athletic Mark
The Mizzou athletic mark (oval tiger head) is reserved for Mizzou Athletics and its entities for social media avatars and banners.
Do not use this mark for social media avatars or banners.

Image Size for Avatars (profile photos)
Be aware that avatars/profile photos on social media are often resized. Best practice is to upload a larger image (file size) so when people click to enlarge it the image remains unpixellated.

Connect to Major Mizzou Accounts
All accounts should friend/fan/follow the major Mizzou account on each platform. For instance, on Facebook, your account should become a fan of the main Mizzou Facebook account.

Account Setup by Platform


Avatars should use the approved variation of the stacked MU logo and unit name. Templates will be provided by for your use.

Should include mention of the University of Missouri.

If your unit is primarily located on the main or east campus, enter “Columbia, MO.”

Provide a link to your website.


Page Title
The word “Mizzou” should be included in your unit title.

Avatar / Profile Picture
Avatars should only contain an approved variation of the stacked MU logo with unit name. Templates will be provided by for your use.

Cover Photo
Facebook requires the cover photo to be a “unique image that represents your Page.” It cannot include any information intended for Facebook’s About section, such as contact information.

Basic Information

    • About section: include affiliation with the University of Missouri
    • Include contact information outside of Facebook (e.g.: phone number, email address)
    • Website field: provide URL to your website
    • If located on campus, include “Columbia, MO” for the City/Town entry and an accurate ZIP code.

Featured Likes
Your account should “like” the Mizzou’s main account and include it as a “featured like.” This helps legitimize your connection to main channel.
Setting up featured likes:


Page Title
The word “Mizzou” should be included in your unit title.

Avatar / Profile Picture
Avatars should only contain an approved variation of the stacked MU logo with unit name. Templates will be provided by for your use.

Basic Information

    • About section: include affiliation with the University of Missouri
    • Include contact information outside of Facebook (e.g.: phone number, email address)
    • Website field: provide URL to your website
    • If located on campus, include “Columbia, MO” for the City/Town entry and an accurate ZIP code.

Channel Icon
Avatars should only contain an approved variation of the stacked MU logo with unit name. Templates are provided by on the Mizzou Identity’s brand graphic assets collection in Box.

Background Image/Art Banner
This image can be customized, and managers are encouraged to do so using photos of your school/college, department or Mizzou campus.

About Tab
Include mention of “Mizzou”
Include URL for your website

Include Mizzou’s main YouTube channel as a featured channel.

Submit Your Accounts to Mizzou’s Social Media Directory

Once your accounts follow these best practices, submit the links for inclusion in a new social media directory.

If you have any trouble meeting the expectations required to get the accounts added into the directory, be sure to reach out to the Digital Publications team for help.